
beeld: Sander Ilvest
Õnnesoovid Märdile ja tublidele vanematele
Dankzij zijn prestaties met de nationale ploeg en zijn stevige bijdrage tot een nieuwe titel bij Knack Volley werd Märt Tammearu in zijn land verkozen tot speler van het seizoen 2021-2022.
Proficiat Märt!!
Vanuit Estland kregen we dan ook volgende informatie door die we graag delen:
The best male volleyball player and two nominees are determined based on the 2021-2022 club season (based on statistical data and results of players playing in Estonian and foreign clubs) and the 2022 national team season, and there are 20 nominees in total.
The 20 women and 20 men who stood out the most during the club season that ended in the spring and in the summer national team games are selected by Estonian volleyball coaches. It is possible to vote for 3 to the right and the points are distributed as 3, 2 and 1 points respectively. NB! Only 1 vote can be given to the same athlete, i.e. double votes are not counted! The volleyball player of the year will be determined by combining the voting results of the people, sports journalists and coaches.
“Male volleyball player of the year 2022” nominees: Timo Tammemaa, Albert Hurt, Märt Tammearu “Male Volleyball Player of the Year 2022”: Märt Tammearu (People: 2nd place, sports journalists: 1st place, coaches: 1st place) Märt Tammearu was awarded the volleyball player of the year title for the first time. Märt Tammearu, who plays an increasingly important role in the men’s team, played in Roeselare Knack in Belgium in his first foreign season, immediately becoming the Belgian champion. In addition, he participated in the Champions League.
Many thanks to the family of Märt for sharing.
Head vana aasta lõppu!
DeePee 31/12/2022